Navigating Sensory Overload and Meltdowns…

Navigating Sensory Overload and Meltdowns…

Welcome to the unpredictable world of sensory overload and meltdown management – or as I like to call it – The shit show!

I would like to share some things that help us to navigate most situations, but let’s face it, are we ever fully prepared for the meltdowns when they are thrown our way? 

First up we have the sensory toys or favourite toys, they come everywhere we go so we can pull them out and use them to distract and give comfort at any given point we need them! Phew! 

Next is patience….. I know some days it just isn’t there, but seeing the situation through their eyes is so important so you can try to understand how they may be feeling and these emotions are BIG!

Talking is essential to help fully understand the situation, even if this means you go half-crazy because you have to repeat the same thing over and over… 

When our Logan was little, we also used the technique of drawing out a picture of what had happened on paper so we could better understand and explain, this would work well for nonverbal, so another good thing to have on hand is paper and a pen!

Snacks are an absolute must for us, they are a great distraction, and meltdowns are heightened when hungry tummies are around so we always have snacks on hand – they are often the hero that saves the day!

Self-regulating is a relatively new one for us, we teach Logan to breathe deeply if he can feel himself getting upset,  taking deep breaths gives us long enough for him to focus on us while we talk to him or distract him to bring the heightened emotions down a level.

And finally, let's not forget the most powerful tool of empathy.  When a level of understanding is required that goes beyond the ordinary, we must tune into what is really going on beneath the surface and causing the trigger.   To connect and understand we can help our child quickly and bring things back under control.

So remember, you are more than just a parent/career; you’re bloody awesome, this is hard work and emotionally draining.

Here's to mastering the art of turning the shitshow into manageable moments… or just trying!

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